Saturday, December 14, 2013

is war necessary?

short answer. yes.
based within the context of simply fulfilling a need, then yes war fills a need. whether we agree OR NOT, with the current human condition of war,  it exists and the process serves a function.

in the name of war, actions are carried out, results are measured and certain consequences are endured. whether its a lust for power, to seek control over resources or or acts of aggression, war is simply a means to a justified end.

ok then, if this is so then necessary for whom?  who benefits from the purveyors of destruction? the citizens of Rome of course. what do people with power want? people in power want nothing else then absolute and total control. and generally that means that they will stop at nothing to get it. Rome was built on the backs of all those whom Rome conquered. her war machine was soaked in the blood of all that stood in the way of those that sought the glory of Rome.

even in the modern sesnse, not only is war necessary, it is inevitable.
 war is the  unavoidable consequence of the modern human anomaly. the movie trilogy known as the matrix, work as a  a good analogy here. as the story goes, there were many versions of the program. one was a utopian paradise that the majority failed to accept. the machine gods,afterwards, tried again by emulating the modern struggle to give people the sense of a common suffering & to extend a certain kind of validation to the external world. there will always be those that refuse to accept the program, and if left unchecked wil result in an exponential anomaly that will threaten the matrix it

that is to say, if mortality and human existence is to continue, it has to maintain a certain level of value and shared meaning. otherwise, life it self becomes unreal and doubt settles in, leaving humanity wanting more than it knows. to dare to become greater than the sum of its parts.,

in terms of biology, any living system will expand until it reaches some sort of resource  barrier. such and the limits of available feed sources in a closed system. so by nature, there are systems of checks and balances that limit infinite growth of any system.

one could argue, that there are better ways to fulfill those needs. there are less that lethal, non-violent means, socially responsible even holistic systems approach to solve the general dilemma that war seems to alleviate. its in our human nature to fear and smash what we don't understand. war is simply the easiest most primitive way to solve the immediate problem. its kinda like our ancestors charging out into the night with burning torches just to watch the dark of night flee from them.
conflict is a natural process. interactions with most dynamic systems you find to some degree, periodic conflict until homeostatic is achieved. a state of balance if you will.

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